Fall Roast Oatmeal


Who said squash could only be for savory meals? This oatmeal bowl invites autumn’s best produce to join the sweet side of the breakfast world!

This topping for a beautiful base of cinnamon oats uses apples and honey nut squash to give you all of the fall feels. Not to mention, we’re using a trio of spices that exude the cozy vibes that we not only want, but need during this time of the year.

Now preheat your oven, grab your most drizzly nut butter, and enjoy!

Fall Roast Oatmeal Topping


  • 1 honey nut squash, cubed

  • 1 apple, cubed

  • 1 tbsp coconut oil

  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon

  • 1/4 tap allspice

  • dash of nutmeg


  1. Preheat your oven to 425f

  2. Chop and cube the squash and apple; toss with coconut oil and spices until evenly coated

  3. Roast at 425f for 20-25 mins until squash is fork tender

  4. Store fall roast topping in the fridge and top oatmeal with it when needed

  5. Dive in!


Call It “Basic”: Tofu Scramble


Baked Oatmeal Varieties