Watermelon Mint Feta Salad


Watermelon; my favorite fruit…ever. My mother can attest to this! She claims I craved watermelon so much while in the womb that she would eat an entire one with a spoon in one sitting. (I can match that energy, anytime & any place).

This salad is perfect for a date, for a picnic, for a cute little Brooklyn roof top dinner moment. Do you want to impress a date? Make them this.

It’s simple, it’s creamy (thanks to the feta), and like Samin Nosrat suggests-a perfect dish is composed with Salt, Fat, Acid, & Heat- and that is exactly what this dish has. ENJOY!

Watermelon Mint Feta Salad

Yield: 4-6 servings

Time: 20-30 minutes


  • 4 cups watermelon (cubed)

  • 1/3c extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 tbsp lime juice

  • •3 tbsp apple cider vinegar

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1/2 tsp chili powder

  • 20 mint leaves, chopped

  • 1 cup crumbled feta


  1. To make the marinade, mix together the olive oil, lime juice, apple cider vinegar, salt, & chili powder

  2. In a large bowl, add the watermelon, mint & feta

  3. Pour the marinade into the bowl and mix until combined

  4. Chill & serve

  5. Dive in!


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